The Silence of Scotland

A timelapse journey through Scotland

Experience a beautiful timelapse journey through the amazing landscapes of Scotland.

Only in silence can we hear the song of nature. Natural silence is not the absence of sound from nature it is the absence of noise from modern life.

Listen in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Headphones are highly recommended.

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This timelapse film from Scotland is the third episode in my silence project. Through a series of films I will present nature at its most natural. To fully capture the authentic atmosphere of the places I have combined the visuals with a detailed soundscape. No music or artificial sound effects have been used in this film project only the songs from nature’s own sound library. To make the experience as natural as possible both the audio and video are recorded in some of nature’s most undisturbed places.

This project was born out of love for the undisturbed places in nature. The goal of the project is to share the wonders of nature with as many people as possible and thereby ensuring its protection and enjoyment for generations to come. I plan to accomplish this goal through stunning short films with breathtaking video and audio.


The nature is busy communicating and in places without noise pollution we can listen to the nature at its most natural. Listening is not about trying to hear the sounds that you believe are important. Instead simply listening to the place without comparing sounds to what is already known. If we silent listen to nature in undisturbed places without prejudices we can experience the big diversity of nature and the faintest sounds gain their original importance in the soundscape.

Humans developed in a world where only the sounds of nature filled the air. Our ears are evolved to hear these often soft and information rich ambiences which help us experience our surroundings. But in our noisy urban environment our hearing is continuously being overloaded and thus we have learned to experience our surroundings through our vision. Even when we visit a silent place in nature we try to experience the place through our vision instead of listening to the place. Vision is focused in one direction at the time and is excellent when it comes to focusing our attention on a given event. But vision is very limiting when it comes to capturing the full image of a given place. Therefore hearing and not vision is the preferred sense in nature. The full image of a given place does not only expand in every direction around us but it expands for far distances behind visual objects that block the view but do not block the sounds. In a silent environment sound can travel far distances and can easily travel around objects. Further, it is often difficult to get visual contacts with wildlife but nothing escapes our hearing if we listen in silence.

There are many benefits of experiencing silence in nature. Natural silence is relaxing, reduce stress and increase overall productivity. Conversely, noise pollution cause stress, increase risk of cardio-vascular disease and has a negatively impact on overall productivity. When we live more quiet lives, we become healthier, more relaxed, and better able to listen to others and the world around us.

The industrial revolution and population growth has unleashed an epidemic of noise pollution that has made natural silence one of our fastest-disappearing resources. It is my goal that these films will raise the audience’s awareness to the importance of silence. I hope to bring the experience of natural silence to the audience and encourage an interest in saving the undisturbed places in nature. We need to learn how to listen again to fully appreciate nature’s whispers.

Nature’s beauty can be so easily missed. It is my hope that these films will contribute to a deeper understanding and gratitude of the natural wonders in our world and to the preservation of our fragile environment in the future.


Learn more about Timelapse Footage, Visual Effects and Film Projects from Terralapse

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“Exceptional – a piece of work to be proud of and that will stand the tests of time!”

J Stebbings

“This is so overwhelmingly beautiful. There is a wave of calm sweeps over me when I watch this with headphones on.”

Susan Robinson

“Beautifully done Casper – I’ve seen a lot of timelapse films and that combination of astounding photography and the sound track easily makes this the best. You’ve captured something timeless about those landscapes that I just haven’t seen before, and I completely understand your comments about the silence. I watched it twice and then I sat and listened to the silence around me. Thank you for that moment.”

Ken McDougall

“Thank you. For everyone who has to make life changing decisions I would recommend they watch this and make their decisions when they are calm rather than make them when angry.

Duke Kaboom

“Oh my goodness…simply stunning. Well done, I appreciate your artistry. As a Scot, may I say how perfectly you capture its beauty & essence, Casper.


Lifestyle Blogger

“This creates a stunningly sublime and intense beauty, a certain kind of awareness. Can I call it soothing and exciting at the same time – that’s how it works for me!”

a. mie.

“One of the best videos I’ve seen. Well done.”

Ikenna Njoku

“This is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen (and heard). Thank you!”

Chris Pankow

“I could smell the water, and feel the warmth from the inside of my coat, a gentle and welcomed contrast of the cool wind against my cheek. I could feel the earthen grit adjust beneath me, and the weather move and flow as it always does. Thank you, for returning me to the blessed nature for just a few moments. It has made today a little less dark.


“You’ve done my homeland proud. I’ve been a photographer for almost 40 years and never attempted time lapse. You’ve inspired me with your beautiful work. Thank you.


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